Betting Tips

Betting Tips

Below I have posted a text that has been of considerable use to me as far as professional betting is concerned:
Betting that will be discussed here is solely a way to invest money for profit and it has nothing to do with fun. All of the following tips are primarily for betting purposes. Certainly, no reasonable person can rule out the happiness factor as well as the feelings that some players have developed more than others and combined with personal courage (self-confidence) can result in decent gains.
It is common to divide players into several categories. There are most, of course. people who pair up while there is room on the ballot, expecting that their day will be the right one. It is typical for them to fill the list most often at a local bookmaker, often over the shoulder transcribing pairs, and their main principle is a coefficient of 1.05 to 1.50 (if you have to) and a minimum of 10 pairs per ticket. Of course, by the law of probability, such a ticket will be won, but it can only be a game of fun and not serious bookmaking.
• A bookmaker who bets for profit will spend a lot of time and energy researching the system, selection. This is an endless process where knowledge, practice and experience are the key drivers of a successful betting strategy.
• A bookmaker who bets for fun bets on the heart and on a personal feeling - makes occasional profits, but in the long run, this type of bookmaker is at a loss.
• A bookmaker who bets for fun can simply become a bookmaker who bets for profit if he adopts betting, picking and implementation strategies.
• An ideal bookmaker is one that has both features.


Set your goals!
Goals must be written.
On the other hand, nothing builds your self-esteem stronger than your goals. By doing so, you build confidence and become ready for the next challenge.


In other words, motivation refers to the forces that strengthen and guide our behavior, which help individuals and groups achieve their goals. We need a certain amount of self-awareness to understand what drives us to achieve (or not) goals in different situations and times. Achieving a specific goal, in our case, PROFITs that grow over a given period of time - is definitely not an easy job. In doing so, we are referring exclusively to self-discipline. We also need to be able to control and regulate our personal emotions to do our best, especially while acting under pressure.

The process that leads to success:
1. Planning - a good plan shortens unnecessary annoyance and gives confidence because when we put on paper what we want (point 1) and what we have to do (point 2) and make a good plan then everything becomes clearer, difficult to turn into easy, but impossible to available.
2. Action (work) - there is nothing without it; success is only possible if we do what it takes to succeed. To work for you to work!
3. Faith - Faith moves mountains. When we take everything we need from the first two points, all we have to do is believe that everything will work out the way we need to get what we want and what we work for.

The purpose of betting is MONEY PROFIT.

Two basic questions:
1. How much money do I have?
2. How much money am I willing to lose?

Do not borrow money for betting, do not bet money you need for work, family support or for things more important than sports betting.


Set a goal, take a profit when you reach the goal, then start over. For example: If you start at € 100, you set a goal of € 500 - when you earn € 500, take € 400, and continue with your initial bet of € 100. In this type of betting you will see the RESULT, the real money, not the virtual money on the betting slips.

There are people who bet on entertainment, people who make a living in this way, and members of both groups for whom betting has become a purpose in itself - addicts who cannot overcome their passion for any rational reason. Betting as a party - OK, but we know that every party costs and you have to be aware that your failure in this type of betting is quite expected.



I know people who know a lot about sports but are not particularly successful players because they do not adhere to this rule. The reason for this is self-proving and the challenge of predicting the most attractive events that are, as a rule, the hardest to bet on. For them, derbies and strong, decisive matches are a red patch that provokes and nourishes their ego. They forget that the world has long since become a global village full of all kinds of information for which profit is the sole purpose. Global marketing imposes “brands” on a daily basis. brands that get us in the subconscious and these propaganda messages influence our decisions. It belongs to the very lucrative "brands"


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